What does it do for me?
Whenever I research a new place to visit, I find myself trawling through the usual suspects on my way to the website for each individual atttraction. Unfortunately, each of those websites has a different design and navigational structure.
CitybreakInfo lists the sort of things you can do on a visit to your chosen location and uses exactly the same layout for each attraction. So it's easy to find the cost, the contact details or the opening times.
We just want to make life easier...

How long to spend at a particular attraction varies immensely from one person to another.
Who you travel with, the weather and even how hungry you are may all affect the length of time you have available.
We've used a combination of experience, recommendations from the venue and feedback to come up with the middle ground.
We will endeavour to keep our estimates as standard as possible so you can start to judge whether we are a little too short or a little too long!
Please let us know if you think the length of time we suggest is just not quite right.